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G1NBC began in 1996, with a PIONEERING VISION of providing state of the art Broadcasting, In order to make our programming accessible to a worldwide audience. In addition to providing the highest quality audio and videos, we also provide our Station Affiliates with the tools they need to become Your Local Hometown Broadcast Network. As the content provider of our programming and with the services such as, online video on demand! With our delivery model, millions of people from around the world can connect and view informative, and entertaining programming from our G1NBC Station Affiliates broadcasting , 24 7, 365 days a year. Our content includes both pre-recorded, live, events daily, provided by our G1NBC Station Affiliates in the United States and abroad. We are committed to developing and delivering innovative network broadcast services and solutions that will prove to be beneficial to our Viewers / Audience. We would like to know more about you to see if you would like to be a part of something growing. We want You to Become a Station Affiliate! Join Us Today!
G1NBC is the preferred Community resource that provides opportunities for Businesses, Groups, and+ Individuals to better deliver their messages using 21st century media systems platform.
G1NBC is the global media leader in 21st Century standards, models and delivery mechanisms, changing the world by making businesses, groups and individuals successful.
• Recruit, empower, and train Station Affiliates.
• Build trust and genuine relationships with reporting the news.
• Modeling a centered and well balanced journalism source.
G1NBC is always building and developing new opportunities.